Revolutionize Your Advertising Strategy Today with Native Ads – The Key to Increased Engagement and Revenue

As consumers become more and more savvy, traditional banner ads are becoming less and less effective. With ad-blockers and banner blindness, marketers need to find new ways to connect with their target audience. That’s where native advertising comes in.

What is Native Advertising?

Native advertising is a form of advertising that blends in with its surroundings. It’s often referred to as “sponsored content” or “branded content”. Rather than interrupting consumers with a banner ad, native advertising presents them with content that’s relevant and engaging.

Examples of native advertising include sponsored posts on social media, sponsored content on news sites, or promoted listings on e-commerce websites.

Why Native Advertising Works

Native advertising is effective for a few key reasons. First, it’s not viewed as intrusive. Consumers are much more likely to engage with an ad that doesn’t feel like an ad. Second, native advertising is highly targeted. By presenting the right content to the right audience, marketers can increase engagement and revenue.

Native ads also have a higher click-through rate than traditional banner ads. According to a study by Sharethrough and IPG Media Lab, consumers looked at native ads 53% more frequently than traditional banner ads. Native ads were also more likely to be shared and engaged with than banner ads.

The Keys to Successful Native Advertising

To make the most of your native advertising, there are a few keys to keep in mind:

Be Transparent
Consumers need to know they are clicking on sponsored content, so be upfront about it. This will help build trust with your audience, and prevent any negative feelings toward your brand.

Focus on Quality Content
Native ads need to be engaging, informative, and well-written. They should blend in with the surrounding content, but still stand out enough to capture the reader’s attention.

Know Your Audience
Native ads are only effective if they’re presented to the right audience. Depending on your product or service, different demographics may engage with your content. Research your ideal customers, and create content that will resonate with them.

Native Advertising in Action

Many brands have successfully incorporated native advertising into their marketing strategy. Here are a few examples of native advertising in action:

Netflix’s “Orange is the New Black” on the New York Times
Netflix partnered with the New York Times to create an article about the real-life issues facing women in prison, tied to the release of “Orange is the New Black” season three. The article was informative and engaging, but also subtly promoted the show.

GE’s “GE Reports” Website
GE created a website called “GE Reports”, which provides informative articles and videos about technology and innovation. While the website isn’t overtly promotional, it helps build brand awareness and establish GE as a thought-leader in the tech industry.

Heineken’s “Worlds Apart” Campaign
Heineken’s “Worlds Apart” campaign featured strangers with opposing views coming together over a beer. The video went viral, and successfully promoted Heineken’s brand without feeling like an ad.

The Future of Native Advertising

As consumers continue to be inundated with traditional ads, native advertising is becoming an increasingly popular option for marketers. In fact, according to a study by Adyoulike, native advertising spending is expected to reach 85.5 billion dollars by 2021.

In addition, the rise of AI and machine learning will only make native advertising more effective. By analyzing consumer data, marketers can present the right content to the right audience, in real time.


If you want to revolutionize your advertising strategy, it’s time to consider native advertising. By focusing on quality content, transparency, and targeting the right audience, you can create engaging ads that feel less invasive to consumers. As native advertising continues to grow in popularity, it’s clear that this is the key to increased engagement and revenue for brands.

Benjamin Mitchell


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